How to get to Trapani Fly to Trapani or Palermo, or get us by ferry

Getting to Trapani

Getting to Trapani is easy and cheap. You can choose between the two main airports of western Sicily, Trapani and Palermo. You can reach us by your own car or by ship/ferry from the main Italian ports.

Following all the possibilities to get to Trapani and reach Qui Vicino, also with our private transfer services. You can also contact us to request:

  • Air flight booking (we have a partner air ticket office)
  • Ferry booking (we have a partner ferry ticket office)
  • Booking transfers and integrated transfers (only transfer or transfers and transport tickets)
  • Private/exclusive transfers and/or customized tours
How to get to Trapani Fly to Trapani or Palermo, or get us by ferry - 1

Fly to Sicily, to Trapani and Palermo

Sicily has 4 main airports (in addition to those of Pantelleria and Lampedusa). The ideal airports to reach Trapani quickly and easily are 2: Trapani airport (Birgi, Vincenzo Florio) but also Palermo airport (Punta Raisi, Falcone Borsellino).
They are both well connected with the main Italian cities. Palermo airport offers many more solutions with many airlines. However, landing in Palermo involves about 30 extra minutes of travel and slightly higher transport costs.

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How to get to Trapani Fly to Trapani or Palermo, or get us by ferry - 1

Reaching Sicily by ferry

To reach Qui Vicino the main Sicilian ports are those of Trapani and Palermo. The port of Trapani is seasonally connected with Sardinia and France. The port of Palermo is connected with Naples, Civitavecchia, Livorno, Genoa, etc.

After you disembark at the port of Trapani, reaching Qui Vicino is very simple, both on foot and by car. On the other hand, from Palermo you will reach Qui Vicino in 90 minutes by car or almost two hours by public transport (bus).

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How to get to Trapani Fly to Trapani or Palermo, or get us by ferry - 1

Private transfers to get around Sicily

You can also count on us to organize and book transfer services, which we provide directly through our partner agency or through selected partners operating throughout Sicily. Our vehicles are all new, air-conditioned and equipped with WIFI on board. In particular we can offer:

  • Private transfers from/to Palermo airport (for individuals and groups)
  • Private transfers from0/to Trapani airport (for individuals and groups)
  • Private transfers from/to the port of Palermo or Palermo city (for individuals and groups)
  • Personalized tours at your arrival or departure (with itinerary to be defined together based on specific preferences)
  • Taxi service from / to the port of Trapani

We also offer luxury services, with Mercedes Vito or similar vehicles

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How to get to Trapani Fly to Trapani or Palermo, or get us by ferry - 1

Car rental with pick up at the airport

We can also help our guests in car rental directly at the airport, in Trapani or Palermo. You can also return the car to the port of Trapani (for those who continue their holiday in the Egadi Islands).

At a short distance the car sharing service "AMIGO" is available (info here:

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